Personal Website


1. Simple Prototype:

I started roughly prototyping in Figma and pen on paper based on my content and what I wanted to show. Some designs were taken from websites that I researched and inspected their code.

2. Website Architecture given User Needs:

Next step was creating an inspiration board and using my Web Technologies module from university to build and deploy my website. I then researched user experience principles and constructed my website architecture according to the core readings I had done.

3. Writing basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript structure:

These were my initial attempts of codind this website on my local server, they only show how much I managed to improve my project since starting it.

4. Website Testing:

I used a lot of metrics such as speed tests, accessibility scales, time to interact, contrast errors, mobile accessibility, label attribution, SEO and best practice implementations.

5. Problem Solving:

There were many issues that had to be solved and new technologies that I had to learn outside my module some of which include:

  1. I was only taught how to use HTML, CSS and JavaScript grid and the process became extremely repetitive so I adopted the XY Foundation Grid that allowed me to greate columns and rows of cards easier.
  2. The method I was taught to deploy was also not state-of-the-art so I switched from my local server to using Vercel.
  3. The biggest problem of all was that the images I was uploading to GitHub for them to be deployed through Vercel were more than 25MB so I had to learn how to push changes through Git and therefore initiated Git LFS.
  4. I used the framework Foundation but am in the process of migrating this website to React.
